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The Charging Stations API allows developers and integrators to access data related to your electric vehicle charging stations.
A charging station is a distinct entity in the EV charging infrastructure, capable of hosting multiple connectors to charge electric vehicles. Each charging station maintains an individual OCPP connection to ChargEye - managed in the background by the ChargEye platform. For Kempower satellite systems, a charging station is defined as the combined set of Power Units and Satellites, working together as a single functional unit. Each charging station is identified and managed as a separate entity within the ChargEye platform, and referenced with stationId
Charging Stations API provides endpoints to retrieve detailed information on each charging station's availability, operational status, location, and connectors. Each connector’s data is enriched with charging session ("transaction") details, allowing you to monitor ongoing charging sessions or review data from the previous session if there's no active charging.
Get a summary of all charging stations, including their availability, status, and location. Includes data on the connectors and associated transaction details.
Unauthorized - Authorization: Bearer header is missing, invalid, expired, or user has no permission
{- "stations": [
- {
- "stationId": "charger1",
- "powerGroupParentPath": [ ],
- "status": "Operative",
- "name": "charger1",
- "maxPowerKw": 0,
- "currentPowerKw": 0,
- "currentPowerA": 0,
- "acDcPowerRatio": 0.87,
- "location": {
- "name": "local_station",
- "lng": -51.63765,
- "lat": -4.70586,
- "address": ""
}, - "connectors": [
- {
- "connectorId": "charger1_connector2",
- "name": "2",
- "status": "Unknown",
- "maxPowerKw": 200,
- "type": "CCS",
- "maxPowerKwActual": 200,
- "latestTransaction": {
- "txId": "7f5d0fac-8bb3-43d2-a7c9-43222211a",
- "connectorId": "charger1_connector2",
- "status": "Ended",
- "authorizationToken": "5",
- "startTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:24.044Z",
- "chargingStartTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:24.044Z",
- "chargingEndTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:43.268Z",
- "endTime": "2022-12-08T09:52:38.884Z",
- "chargedEnergyKwh": 0.396,
- "powerKwMax": 0,
- "soc": 9,
- "socInitial": 3,
- "triggerReason": "EVDeparted",
- "updateTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:43.630Z"
], - "onlineStatus": "Online"
}, - {
- "stationId": "charger2",
- "powerGroupParentPath": [ ],
- "status": "Operative",
- "name": "charger2",
- "maxPowerKw": 0,
- "currentPowerKw": 0,
- "maxPowerA": 63,
- "currentPowerA": 0,
- "acDcPowerRatio": 0.87,
- "location": {
- "name": "local_station",
- "lng": -51.63765,
- "lat": -4.70586,
- "address": ""
}, - "connectors": [
- {
- "connectorId": "charger1_connector2",
- "name": "5",
- "status": "Unknown",
- "maxPowerKw": 200,
- "maxPowerKwActual": 120,
- "type": "CCS",
- "latestTransaction": {
- "txId": "90342g2-93u3-43d2-2k32-9s239j2",
- "connectorId": "charger2_connector5",
- "status": "Ended",
- "authorizationToken": "5",
- "startTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:24.044Z",
- "chargingStartTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:24.044Z",
- "chargingEndTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:43.268Z",
- "endTime": "2022-12-08T09:52:38.884Z",
- "chargedEnergyKwh": 0.396,
- "powerKwMax": 0,
- "soc": 9,
- "socInitial": 3,
- "triggerReason": "EVDeparted",
- "updateTime": "2022-12-08T08:28:43.630Z"
], - "onlineStatus": "Offline"
Returns information on a specific station, including real-time status and location. Detailed information on each connector and ongoing or last completed transaction are included.
Obtain the stationId
from the List Charging Stations
endpoint to use this operation.
acDcPowerRatio | number AC-DC conversion ratio | ||||||||||||||
required | Array of objects (ConnectorInfo) | ||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
currentPowerA | number Current intake at present (amperes) of the station | ||||||||||||||
currentPowerKw | number Current output power (kW) of the station | ||||||||||||||
Array of objects or null (CeCommonLabel) | |||||||||||||||
required | object | ||||||||||||||
locationUid | string | ||||||||||||||
maxPowerA | number Maximum input current (amperes) of the station that it could theoretically take with current configuration. Equals to PMC input supply current. Dynamic limits (charging profiles) do not affect this. | ||||||||||||||
maxPowerKw | number MAX output power (kW) of the station undefined if not known | ||||||||||||||
name required | string | ||||||||||||||
onlineStatus required | string Enum: "Offline" "Online" | ||||||||||||||
powerGroupParentPath | Array of strings Path in powerGroup tree, 0th value is the id of root. This station does not belong to a power group if this is null/empty | ||||||||||||||
stationCapabilities | string or null Capabilities that the station supports as a comma separated list. For example when station supports serial connectable power modules, contents would be: stationCapabilities = "SerialConnection,Xxx, ... ,Yyy" | ||||||||||||||
stationId required | string | ||||||||||||||
status required | string (ChargingStationStatus) Enum: "Faulted" "Operative" "Unavailable" |
Unauthorized - Authorization: Bearer header is missing, invalid, expired, or user has no permission
{- "stationId": "CSt_EZKpa3R",
- "powerGroupParentPath": [ ],
- "name": "TRLLY Charger",
- "maxPowerKw": 50,
- "currentPowerKw": 0,
- "maxPowerA": 62,
- "currentPowerA": 0,
- "acDcPowerRatio": 0.87,
- "location": {
- "name": "local_station",
- "lng": -51.63765,
- "lat": -4.70586,
- "address": ""
}, - "status": "Operative",
- "onlineStatus": "Online",
- "connectors": [
- {
- "connectorId": "11",
- "type": "CHAdeMO",
- "name": "11",
- "maxPowerKw": 38,
- "maxPowerKwActual": 38,
- "status": "Unknown",
- "latestTransaction": {
- "txId": "3a4b6c78-9123-4567-8de9-a234b56789cd",
- "connectorId": "11",
- "connectorType": "CHAdeMO",
- "status": "Ended",
- "authorizationToken": "auth0|1d2c34b5678a90f123e4567890abcdef",
- "startReason": "RemoteStart",
- "startTime": "2022-06-01T06:13:40.611Z",
- "endReason": "DeAuthorized",
- "endTime": "2022-06-01T06:16:41.616Z",
- "powerKw": 0,
- "triggerReason": "ChargingStateChanged",
- "updateTime": "2022-06-01T06:16:41.616Z"
}, - {
- "connectorId": "12",
- "name": "12",
- "type": "CCS",
- "status": "Available",
- "maxPowerKw": 38,
- "maxPowerKwActual": 37.347,
- "latestTransaction": {
- "txId": "f12e45f6-7891-42dc-8e34-123456789abc",
- "connectorId": "12",
- "connectorType": "CCS",
- "status": "Ended",
- "startReason": "CablePluggedIn",
- "startTime": "2023-08-04T05:08:20.683Z",
- "chargingStartReason": "CablePluggedIn",
- "chargingStartTime": "2023-08-04T05:08:28.642Z",
- "chargingEndReason": "StoppedByEV",
- "chargingEndTime": "2023-08-04T05:27:25.813Z",
- "endReason": "EVDisconnected",
- "endTime": "2023-08-04T05:30:39.787Z",
- "chargedEnergyKwh": 5.65,
- "powerKw": 0,
- "powerKwMax": 20,
- "soc": 99,
- "socInitial": 16,
- "triggerReason": "ChargingStateChanged",
- "updateTime": "2023-08-04T05:30:39.787Z",
- "powerLimitation": "Charger"